Payroll Hub
Manage payroll effectively
Payroll hub dashboard Enhance your payroll management experience with helloFriday’s centralised Payroll Hub, which synchronises with your preferred payroll system, enabling you to streamline your payroll processes and cycles.
Payroll Hub

Manage payroll effectively

Enhance your payroll management experience with helloFriday’s centralised Payroll Hub, which synchronises with your preferred payroll system, enabling you to streamline your payroll processes and cycles.
Payroll Integration

Sync with Payroll Providers

Integration with staffology, xero, sage and People HR
Payroll Integration
Sync with Payroll Providers

Unlock the full potential of helloFriday’s Payroll Hub by syncing with your preferred payroll Provider. Integrating through the payroll hub results in a smoother exchange of data, greater accuracy and a reduced risk of errors, ultimately allowing you to manage your payroll with precision.

Payroll Schedules

Manage Payroll Schedules

Payroll schedule feature
Payroll Schedules
Manage Payroll Schedules

Create, manage, and execute payroll schedules and cycles that cater to the unique needs of your business. Whether your organisation follows weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payroll cycles, the Payroll Hub allows you the flexibility to craft cycles that align to your specified payroll processes.

Payroll Cycles
Configure Payroll Cycles
Employee sickness overview

Whether your company adheres to standard cycles or experiences diverse schedules across divisions, subsidiaries, and departments, the Payroll Hub adjusts to your business needs. No more rigid payroll cycles; now you’ll have the flexibility to customise payroll timelines according to the preferences of your business to maximise overall business efficiency.

Data Validation
Validate Payroll Data
Overvew of payroll

Advanced data validation algorithms within helloFriday prevent errors at every stage of the payroll data input process. Information such as employee details and salary components are meticulously verified by the system, the data is then validated by helloFriday to ensure that your data is error-free and aligned with regulatory standards.

Employee Payslip
View Breakdown of Payslips
Breakdown of employee payslip
Employee Payslip
View Breakdown of Payslips

Employees are provided quick access to a detailed breakdown of their payslip and salary information, fostering transparency and trust in the payroll process. From tax deductions to bonuses, helloFriday’s Payroll Hub ensures that payroll is simplified for every user by providing them with a deeper understanding of each component and transaction.